Cycle Roots Mountain Trail

Most of the singletracks are at the foot of Hog 1, passing many streams and lovely forest sections. The highest one on the mountain passes two rather large waterfalls. All the trails interlink which makes for a great XC course.

On your bike

Most of the singletracks are at the foot of Hog 1, passing many streams and lovely forest sections. The highest one on the mountain passes two rather large waterfalls. All the trails interlink which makes for a great XC course.

There are guided tours of about 3-4 hours. Visitors are shown eight waterfalls on a 18km circular loop which also takes them along the Puffadder Run, passing by two bridges built over the waterways. It is a truly scenic ride. There is a view deck next to Robinson Falls with an exceptional view into the valley below. One can also see the Tuyme River snaking through the Valley which used to be the old South Africa/Ciskei border from this viewpoint.

Riders are welcome to explore on their own and the singletracks are clearly marked with yellow Cycle Roots Logo branded arrows. The map is easy to read and has detailed descriptions of all the trail routes. Neels can be contacted on 073 567 9487 should anyone get lost.

Grading: Beginner: Lots of dirt roads and jeep tracks available with some added smooth singletrack. Scenic ride towards Waterfalls with lots of viewpoints for break time.+-18km’s

Intermediate: Good combination of flat and hilly sections leading up to a number of singletracks winding through the Forests which are both adventurous and challenging to the every day rider.

Advanced: Massive climbs at altitude and numerous interlinking singletracks ranging from smooth and fast to steep and technical. Passing secret Waterfalls and hidden Hogsback gems. 55+km’s.

Contact Details

  1. Email:
  2. Phone: 073-567-9487
  3. Website: