The Magaliesberg has a wide variety of dirt roads, ranging from easy terrain (such as the Barnardsvlei Road) to the physically demanding Breed’s Neck Mountain Pass, which rises from an altitude 1360m in the north to 1670m at the crest before dropping down to 1440m when it joins the R24 in the south.
From the crest of the pass it loses 120m in the first 1.1 Km – that’s a stiff return ride! The Barnard’s road, on the other hand, has a low-point of 1200m and a maximum altitude of 1330m – a total elevation difference of 100m over a distance 11.5 Km – an easy ride in anyone’s language.
Mountain Sanctuary Park has a 12Km bike trail, this trail forms part of the Magalies Monster race and is very demanding.
Contact Details
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- Phone: 076-295-3133
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